Writings in English
“South Sudan from a Regional View: Local Stakeholders and Shared Issues”
“Defined by Thyne Neighbor”
International Relations in Africa
- “The European Union Foreign Policy: Finding Its Own Way To Become A Global Actor”
“How is the EU trying to shape its own image to the outside world? How has this power balance evolved through recent times? Is it sufficient in its present form? An attempt of assessment.”
European Union governance
Writings in Italian
“Il Partito di Dio”
Middle East Politics
“Qual'è il dibattito sulla crisi attuale?”
“Quale è il suo significato in una prospettiva di lungo periodo? Quali sono le possibili vie d'uscita? Quali sono le alternative all'austerity?”
International Political Economics
- “Il nucleare iraniano”
“Il punto di vista del governo”
Iranian Politics